Tower Grove Park East Playground
In 2009 the Trio Foundation of St. Louis made a grant to Tower Grove Park to renovate its East Playground, including bringing it to ADA accessibility code, in memory of our founder Dorothy R. Moog.
Dorothy Moog had high regards for Tower Grove Park, which she demonstrated in 2003 when she and the Trio Foundation of St. Louis both provided funding for renovation and upgrade to ADA accessibility regulations for the West Playground. This was particularly significant because overall, Mrs. Moog kept her giving very separate from the Trio Foundation. In fact, the gift to the West Playground was the only project that Mrs. Moog and the Trio Foundation explicitly funded together.
When Tower Grove Park approached Trio for funding similar renovations and upgrades on the East Playground, the Trio Board knew that the project would be a perfect way to remember Mrs. Moog. As her son Jim Moog said at the playground dedication, “There is a connection to the sentiment that inspired Henry Shaw to enrich our city and its residents with his magnificent Garden and Tower Grove Park--His purpose was not to create a grandiose monument, but to make people’s lives more rewarding by allowing them to experience the simple pleasures of nature.” We hope the playground will provide many hours of fun and serve as a reminder of Dorothy Moog and her great fondness for children, play, accessibility, and the natural beauty that this park provides to our city.